Enrollment Options for the 2024-2025 School Year
Looking to add for the reminder of the 2020-2021 School year?
Online class meet virtually using the Zoom platform twice a week. If students have a conflict for any reason, rest assured that they will not miss out on instruction during this time. This time is for focused supplemental instructions. A time where students can ask questions, do additional practice problems, and interact with their fellow classmates and me. There are designated live classes for each one of my classes, this is a time where students all from the same class can sign on and get added support. Open Office Hours on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are for ANY students enrolled in ANY of my classes to get extra help.

This year students have an additional option to take my math classes at Pacific Coast Learning Center (PCLC) in Westminster, CA. All students must enroll at PCLC. On Tuesdays students will get 90 minutes of hands on activities and games to supplement the curriculum. Students will still watch video lectures at home and still turn in tests, quizzes, and homework online through Google Classroom in addition to receiving the in person supplemental instruction time at PCLC. Students will also have the option to attend open office hours if they need more help during the week.